I have a md3000i with dual raid controller modules (dual port) and have been using it for years with great success. I got a warning that the battery needed to be replaced in module 1 (age). So I bought two on eBay just in case the other module needs the same. I removed the module and replaced the battery. I'm connected to a Dell PowerConnect 6248 managed switch.
When I online'd module 1 the entire network, i.e. web sites etc. appeared extremely degraded and I'm not seeing steady/reliable network activity lights on the two data ports on the module. No amber lights anywhere on the unit or module. It appears something has gone bad or config lost on the iSCSI data ports. I have even tried going back to the original battery, same issue.
I can ping and connect to the management port and I can offline and online the module but it seems to be in some network contention either to failed ports/board or a config problem? I've tried everything I can think of to even rerunning the discovery software to try to connect and reconfigure the module but it won't discover the md3000i at all when module 1 is online. If I offline module 1 it will but then I can't configure the iSCSI ports on module 1 if it's offline. When I try to even access the iSCSI configuration from the management utility I get "Unable to obtain current iSCSI network settings for RAID controller module 1 port 1 (then after ok I get the same for port 0).
I reviewed the command line interface manual and even tried resetting the config on module 1, no change. I'm out of support and I even tried calling in to get configuration help but they won't unless I pay $600 which I don't want to do.
Any help would be appreciated. The unit is running fine on only module 0 but I obviously don't have the redundancy.
Thank you.