Recently my duel controller MD3000i become non-optional, what seems to be to a battery issue in the controller in Slot 1. I took the controller offline, pulled the controller and replaced the battery. The battery fault light disappeared and I could bring the controller online (and those Virtual disks assigned to Controller 1 seem to fall back to their owner), however the MD3000i is still not optimal (battery still logging an issue).
I have tried another battery and another controller, but cannot get the MD3000i back to an optimal state. Further more, if I leave Controller 1 online I have noticed the MD3000i periodically turn up the cooling fans very high, for a short time and then resume normal operation (I do not ever hear this activity, unless initially starting the device). Also, if I leave controller 1 online, it seems within a relatively short time I am running into issues with my Host Server that is connected via iSCSI to the MD3000i (this also happened after I moved all disk ownership to controller 0). I am currently running with Controller 1 offline and, although I have no-redundancy, I am operational.
However, I am not too sure what to do next to resolve this issue. It seems like a hardware issue but I doubt both the controller and my "spare" controller are both defective, so could it be the chassis? I have not yet tried stopping all I/O and powering off the MD3000i, nor have I tried swap the controller in Slot 0 with the one in Slot 1 to see if the problems moves.
Any help guidance would be appreciated! I do have a support bundle I could share...