I've been having an issue with a server for a couple of weeks. It keeps reporting the RAID battery is degraded. I've tried 2 new battery's, so I believe the root cause of the issues must be deeper. I recently upgraded all firmware but I'm still seeing the battery status as degraded. I pulled the log file and found the following:
03/09/17 8:26:46: EVT#18769-03/09/17 8:26:46: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5942b0b0549e4400, CDB: 1c 01 a0 00 04 00, Sense: 5/24/00
03/09/17 8:26:46: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00
Can anyone shed some light on what this means and if it could be causing my issues? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
I should probably mention it is a PowerVault NX3000 with a PERC H700i RAID controller.