I've been searching for the past couple of days for an answer to this with no luck, so if there is information on this somewhere already, my appologies.
Anyway, Our md3200i recently broke (both raid controllers simultaneously) and we are out of warranty, and out of support period, and it's too costly JUST to replace the old md3200i controllers.
After some searching, we've found a slightly used md3800i and will be acquiring it tomorrow. Now, with all of that out of the way..
I have a backup of the storage configuration (as a .cfg file) for our existing setup. Unfortunately, there are some important files on the existing array that are NOT backed up (a stupid mistake.) and we cannot afford to lose them. Is it possible to initialize the md3800i with the same layout configuration, and the same disks from our md3200i (they are all 3.5" SAS, and 2 of the 6 are less than a year old) WITHOUT losing our data?
I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row before even beginning to do anything with the md3800i this weekend. And, no, it's impossible to boot the md3200i. the raid controllers will start, and initialize network, but no connection can be made (they are pingable though) but the front of the enclosure blinks the amber fault and i've tried for a few days with no success to spring them back to life, so simply copying data over is not an option.
I need to be able to just take the drives from the md3200i and use them with the same configuration in the md3800i -- without losing the data.
Thanks for the help.