Hi Everyone:
I am looking to verify that these procedures are correct. Or if anybody has anything to add to them I should be looking out for.
These are the procedures I have:
MD3000/MD3000i Hard Disk Drive Firmware Updates
Steps to update the firmware:
Ensure you have a tested backup of the data contained on the array
It is highly recommended to gather support bundle from the "Support" tab of the MD Storage Manager before performing any firmware upgrade operations. Also recommend getting another support bundle after the upgrade is complete.
You must stop all I/O going to the array
Load MDSM to verify connectivity, then close MDSM but leave the main management screen open
From the main management screen in MDSM use the “upgrade raid controller firmware” on the “devices” screen to upgrade to the latest firmware
Verify connectivity through MDSM
Update the hard drive firmware if applicable
Reboot the stack
Power down the server(s)
Power down the MD3000(i)
Power down any attached storage (MD1000/12xx)
Leave the power off for 2-3 minutes
Power up in reverse order
Verify connection to the array and virtual disks and verify that data is presented to each of the connected servers
This update process will take 60-90 minutes but will vary depending on how long the reboots take to complete.