Can somebody assist me this error on md3600f, controller WARN: Controller entering SODReboot lockdown state..
Send <BREAK> for Service Interface or baud rate change
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): NOTE: Set Powerup State
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): SOD Sequence is Normal, 0 on controller A
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): NOTE: Turning on tray summary fault LED
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): NOTE: SODRebootLoop- Limit:5 Cnt:5
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): NOTE: Flashing tray summary fault LED
03/27/13-16:28:30 (tRAID): WARN: Controller entering SODReboot lockdown state..
md3600f controller WARN: Controller entering SODReboot lockdown state..
I understand I need to issue the lemClearLockDown command. I can get to the shell login using the serial cable, but I do not know the username/password to login to the shell.