I recently received an MD3800i with firmware I've been struggling to assign a management IP address to my second controller. I assigned the management IP of the first controller by connecting serially and setting it there. However, I can't do the same with the second controller. I can see data from it, such as when I reseat the controller, but I don't receive the login prompt when I send <BREAK>. Also, the output of the second controller when it reboots is not the same as the first. Dell sent me another controller, and the result is still the same.
Additionally, I also cannot set the IP via the Storage Manager, either! I get an error 4. This has been a very frustrating experience, and Dell Support has gone silent on this issue after numerous attempts to fix the issue.
Before anyone says check the cables or the switch port, I know both the cable is good as well as the port, as the PC running the Storage Manager can ping another PC I set up with the same IP I wanted to configure for the second controller using the same cable and port. Argh!